Научный журнал
Международный журнал прикладных и фундаментальных исследований
ISSN 1996-3955
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,593


By social the mobility of young people and innovation processes in the formation the achieved in the Russian society conversions specify new requirements for the specialists in the work with the young people: the high professional level, a creative turn of mind, tendency toward the innovations, the skill to accumulate energy and abilities of young people. To be the active subject of social changes - in this consist the social mission of young people, her public and historical destination. In Institute of Higher Education major portion of the creative intellectual elite of the country is concentrated, is embedded moral and intellectual potential, especially young people.

In the sociological literature it is possible to find the determination of innovation in the context of the systems approach: innovation - this goal-directed change in the functioning of system, moreover in the broad sense this there can be qualitative and (or) quantitative changes in different spheres and elements of system.

 In connection with to education system by innovation count "the eventual result of innovation activity, which received the embodiment in the form of the new content, method, the forms of the organization of education and teaching process or the improvement of technical equipment for education, which using in the practical activity, or in the new approach to the social services in the region of formation" [1]. What it is necessary to make so that the innovation processes would become socially acknowledged, social and cultural models, finding new possibilities and assigning the new horizons in formation systems?

On its sociocultural level Tomsk on the boundary XIX - XX of centuries stood above all Siberian cities. Still in 1873 were opened Siberia´s first bookshop and public library, then printing house. In the 90´s no-load condition of the century through the Tomsk province Siberian railroad was laid. It is past south of Tomsk around the wooded and swampy sections. In 400 years Tomsk rose on its value, economic, social and cultural development to the level of the central Russia cities. Furthermore, Tosmk region among the Russian regions occupies the fourth place by the specific weight of those, who have the scientific degree of the doctor of sciences in the total number of instructors of Institute of Higher Education. Third place - (after Moscow and Saint Petersburg) according to the number of students in 10 thousand people in the population, third places on the scope of young people at the age of 17-26 years by the programs of the highest vocational education.

Educational strategies of young people of region reflect the specific character of their development; they indicate the specific connection with the ethnic belonging, i.e., is fixed the certain ethnic selectivity. Education - this is one of the factors of social stratification, the basic channel of the ascending upward social mobility and the important indicator of the steady development of society. Furthermore, education level renders influence on the social health of personality, degree of ethnic tolerance, and also estimation of interethnical relations. To higher education to the larger degree those young people, whose parents have high or special secondary education, occupy the leading posts, are oriented, it is predominantly occupied with the mental or highly skilled physical labor. Differences in the intentions are outlined on the material, territorial and ethnic factors (portion of urban senior pupils, who connect their selection after school with Institute of Higher Education, it is considerably more than rural; the higher the family incomes, the more graduates are oriented to Institute of Higher Education).


1. Polonskiy V.M. Innovations in the formation (methodological analysis) // innovations in the formation. 2007. № 2

Библиографическая ссылка

Orlova V.V. INNOVATION PROCESSES IN THE FORMATION: THE POTENTIAL OF INTELLECTUAL YOUNG PEOPLE IN THE REGIONS // Международный журнал прикладных и фундаментальных исследований. – 2009. – № 2. – С. 36-36;
URL: https://applied-research.ru/ru/article/view?id=365 (дата обращения: 17.07.2024).

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