Bokov Yu.
2 Volgograd State University
The representative assemblies which appeared in Prussia after 1808 can be characterized as “dragging out a miserable existence and powerless”. Most people believed that the representative assemblies were not enough so the King failed to fulfill his promise about All-Prussian people’s representation, nevertheless the political organizations made no complaints [9, p. XXII]. And “the people refrained from violence waiting patiently for the King to die; they were grateful to him for the reforms which he had implemented in the early days of his reign”.
1. The abstract of the report is based upon the studies carried out under the grant of the Russian State Fund for Humanities (RGNF) (Project No 01-03-00234a), and the grant of the Law Department of the Volgograd State University, the fellowship programs of the H. Boell Fund (Project No 03 – 2000) and of the German Historical Institution in Moscow (Project “2007”).
2. Bleiber H. Staat and Bürgerliche Umwälzung in Deutschland: zum Charakter besonders des preußischen Staates der ersten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts // Universalhistorische Aspekte und Dimensionen des Jakobinismus. Berlin, 1976.
3. Handbuch der preußischen Geschichte / Historische Kommission zu Berlin: In 3 Bdn. – Berlin; New York, 1992. – Bd. Das 19. Jahrhundert und große Themen der Geschichte Preußens.
4. Huber E. Deutsche Verfassungsgeschichte seit 1789: In 6 Bdn. – Stuttgart; Berlin; Köln, 1961 – 1978. Bd. 1.
5. Rohe K. Wahlen und Wählertraditionen in Deutschland: Kulturelle Grundlagen deutscher Parteien und Parteiensysteme im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. Frankfurt-am-Main, 1992.
6. Bebel A. Socialism and universal suffrage. Saint-Petersburg, 1905.
7. Burdes B. The political system and parties in present-day Germany. Saint-Petersburg, 1906.
8. Pertsev V. Germany and Austria. A Historical Essay. Moscow, 1917.
9. The Prussian Constitution with interpretations drawn mainly from the comments by Dr. Arndt/ translated by A. Meyendorf. Saint-Petersburg, 1905.
10. Saturn D. The German Emperor and the people. Rostov-on-Don, 1906.
Библиографическая ссылка
Bokov Yu., Bokov Yu. KING FRIEDRIC WILHELM III AND THE ELECTIVE RIGHTS OF THE PRUSSIAN CITIZENS IN THE EARLY XIX CENTURY // Международный журнал прикладных и фундаментальных исследований. – 2010. – № 4. – С. 103-105;URL: (дата обращения: 03.12.2024).
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